Sundays 10 am

In-person Services


Tue & Thurs 9am-1pm

147 Main St. Northfield, MA

You are welcome here!

We are a church committed to community, loving and welcoming all to the feast of God, nourishing body and spirit.

Join Us Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m.

Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. The table is open to everyone. Call or Email our office (see contact information below) if you would like to join us.

Who We Are

A beloved community of believers and questioners, people who love Christ and are not afraid to delve deeply into questions that are usually taken for granted.


Our faith is based in the belief of the Trinity of the Creator God, Christ Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, but our Faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings.

Join Us!

Growing your faith is rewarding when you are surrounded with a supportive church family in an active church. Join us for an hour of music and worship.

A Blessing from God

No matter where you are on life’s journey, God is with you.