What to Expect
Worship begins at 10 a.m.
You’ll find plenty of parking.
You’ll find a warm welcome at the door from our Greeters.
We take time before the service for announcements.
Musical preludes and postludes.
Great hymn singing: contemporary as well as the old standards.
Our choir sings on occasion. Some Sundays, we host visiting musicians.
Liturgists from the congregation assist the Pastor.
There is always a reading from scripture (usually from the Revised Common Lectionary).
Our Pastor preaches a sermon.
“Joys and Concerns” – a time of congregational sharing.
Pastoral and congregational prayer:
Thanksgiving for our blessings,
Prayers for those in need,
Prayers for our community and world.
Moments for silent prayer.
First Sunday of every month is Communion Sunday. All are welcome to receive.
Coffee hour follows the service in the lounge. Come enjoy a beverage, great food, and warm fellowship! on
We are located at
147 Main St.
Northfield, MA 01360
Sunday mornings, 10am!